Thursday, July 1, 2010

Exciting Days Ahead!!

I'm really looking forward the the next month!!!! This weekend is the 4th of July, and we'll be going to the Gottshalks or the Boohers to celebrate. Then Ross will be flying in for two weeks!!!Then I turn seventeen (Which is almost as exciting as this next one). Then we have Camp Dwight!!!!!! The BEST three days of the year (I look forward to them more then my birthday)!! Then Ross fly's back (Not looking forward to that one). And then we fly to Pennsylvania for YHEC nationals!!!!
I am super busy right now, as you can guess.
I'm also looking forward to all the great people that I'm going to see at all of these!


  1. So...the movie is going to kind of be hard to work on.
    I'm thinking this movie might not happen until next year at this rate...

  2. Hey! We know the Boohers! See you at Camp Dwight too!

  3. At this rate, I'm not a pessimist, I am stating fact.
    You're up at the range practicing or studying so much the weeks preceding YHEC that we get, like, no work done. I remember this happening last year, too.
    I'm not saying that the movie comes before YHEC. You didn't pester me when I had my video project going, so I won't pester you now.
    But we need to at least work something out...designated times, like half an hour a day, when we can get together on iChat and discuss this thing...


Hey there! I would love to hear what you have to say!


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